miercuri, 13 aprilie 2016

to the foreign businessmen, an invitation

Romanians consider themselves as trustful business partners and they are very serious when speaking about business. They are professionals; many of them are holding MBA degrees in prestigious universities abroad. They are aware of the international business practice and they are studying the particularities of the potential partner before first meeting. Romanian businessmen pay respect to the foreign partners and expect to be treated in the same way. In Romania, punctuality is considered a strength when doing business and it is important to arrive at the appointed time, or even a little earlier, for a meeting. 
Business proposal for all foreign businessmen is to come in Romania and make businesses in any field they want, because Romania has a huge potential and businesses are always well-welcomed. To businessmen who want to visit Romania and start businesses, there are many possibilities in Transylvania, Bukovina, Oltenia, Bucharest, Banat, Caras-Severin, the most relevant regions. You have an easy way to hire a consultant-guide both in business and in tourism.  Write here for details, please :   adriana_suciu1@outlook.com
There are many good opportunities in many fields: health, trade, agriculture, tourism, transports, manufactures ( industry ), sports, education, administration and so on where you can be excellent businessmen from Romania to everywhere in this world and from this world to Romania. 
Renewable energy & photovoltaic project in Romania is probably the best business and the most profitable investment in Europe at the moment. Meet the Business Exchange of the Green Energy Projects that the Romanian Business Exchange organized it to match the foreign and Romanian businessmen and the business opportunities in this field.
This business, also business in organic food production and distribuition : vegetables, fruit, animals, fish, poultry are the most important businesses for the entire world not only for Romanians or foreign businessmen. So, you can start and develop here these businesses types and will benefit the entire world from anywhere. Romania has best quality lands, forests and here businesses can be done with dedication, skills and seriousness.

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