marți, 12 aprilie 2016

Dear travelers, visit these sites and you'll be amazed by these unique beauties !
will answer you if you are interested to buy folkloric costumes and other interesting things and if you wish to visit our regions.

 Romania in Six (6) Regions & over 90 Ethnographic Zones. 
Sibiu, Tara Oltului or Fagaras, Valea Hartibaciului, Tarnave, Barsa or Tara Barsei  Aries or Valea Ariesului, Cluj, Huedin, Lapus, Maramures, Mures,  Nasaud, Salaj, Somes, Turda
Buzias, Deta, Faget, Timis, Lipova, Lugoj,  Ohaba, Sinnicolau  Caras, Severin, Valea Bistrei, Valea Almajului, Clisura Dunarii
Arad, Barcau,  Bihor, Aesd,  Chioar, Codru, Ieru, Ineu
Braila, Covurlui,  Dobrogea, Ialomita, Prut, Tulcea

Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Romanati, Valcea
Arges, Bran, Buzau, Dambovita,  Ilfov, Prahova, Romanati, Teleorman
Banat Folk Costume main features is that women wear 2 Aprons, 1 or both with fringes
Tisa Folk Costume main features is that women wear One Very Wide Front Apron
Baragan Folk Costume main feature: women wear two aprons, each different design
Folk Costume Moldova main feature: women wear one wrap-around apron (fota)
Natioanl Costume Oltenia & Muntenia main feature: women wear 2 overlapping or 1 skirt-like apron; also silk veil
Women wear 2 aprons, narrow, black or black & red
2 aprons, one or both w fringes
One front apron,
very wide
2 very colorful aprons, each different design
One tight, wrap around apron (fota)
2 overlapping aprons or 1 skirt like apron

Natioanl Costume Oltenia & Muntenia main feature: women wear 2 overlapping or 1 skirt-like apron; also silk veil

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